The Gut Microbiome refers to the multitude of micro-organisms that live in our gut. It is made up of bacteria, ancient bacteria called archaea, fungi, viruses and other more obscure microbes.

A microbiome is an ecosystem characterised by the fact that its members entertain complex relationships with each other thus maintaining an organised equilibrium. For instance some bacteria will live off the waste of other bacteria that feed off the food we eat.

Microbes are most abundant in the colon but generally populate every nook and cranny along our digestive system.

For some, a colonic irrigation might be comparable to a kind of tsunami inflicted upon our delicate and vitally important gut flora. However, as with all ecosystems, balance is only but a constant and dynamic adjustment of imbalances. Although gut microbes maintain a tight equilibrium amongst themselves, this doesn’t necessarily mean that it works in our favour. Modern living has put an enormous strain on the rather complex and subtle relationships that have evolved between our gut microbiome and our immune system. This is evidenced in the alarming numbers of modern/chronic diseases that are rooted in a dysfunctional/inflamed immune system from Alzheimer and autism to diabetes and arthritis.

 In this context, Colonic is simply a window of opportunity to influence the dynamic in our favour.

The window is relatively short. The effect on gut flora lasts about two weeks. Unlike antibiotics, it doesn’t kill anything; it merely removes and reduces individuals. Unlike laxatives, it doesn’t irritate; it stimulates natural peristalsis (bowel movements) and releases dysfunctional spasms.

Get the best from your colonic by supporting a healthy gut flora following your treatment:  

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  • Avoid alcohol, chlorine, herbicides, pesticides and some medications (antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, anti-depressants, antacids and many more all have detrimental effects on gut flora)
  • Eat fibre rich foods (especially water soluble fibres) such as flax seeds, chia seeds, oat bran, root vegetables and pulses (lentils, chickpeas, etc.)
  • Eat berries and foods that are rich in polyphenols (dates, red grapes, etc.) which have an antimicrobial and antioxidative effect. The combination of blueberries and probiotics has been shown to reduced inflammation-inducing bacteria while increasing health-promoting lactobacilla in the intestins, 
  • Encourage a diverse gut flora by eating  fermented vegetable (such as sauerkraut etc.)kefir, soft cheeses (such as brie, Roquefort, feta, etc.) fermented soya (such as Tempeh) and by taking a quality probiotic supplement
  • Take care of yourself; lack of sleep, anger/stress; lack of exercise; lack of sunlight all have been shown to be detrimental to a healthy gut flora through the complex and interactive relationships that exist between our gut, brain, hormones and our highly sensitive gut microbiome.

Come and join me for a workshop on the use of probiotics for different issues and fermented vegetables